Romanian Happy Recruiter raises over one million euros from the Belgian HR company House of HR, Romanian media reported. The exact amount of the investment is undisclosed, but according to the Romanian startup, it is a six-figure sum. What is known so far is just that the investor, House of HR, will take over 20 percent stake in the company.

Founded in March 2018 by seven founders – Madalina Nemethi, Raluca Stefanescu, Dragos Lup, Liviu Livanu, Andrei Cornea, George Cheteles, Calin Stefanescu, Happy Recruiter platform is best known for its robot Dora, a robot that recruits candidates, thus helping companies to find new employees. Dora can identify, interview and schedule candidates for online or offline interviews.
According to the company’s info, an interview with Dora takes between 3 and 13 minutes. Not only that Dora is recruiting candidates, but also helps those rejected with suggesting better options based on their experience or interests. Moreover it helps candidates to create their CV in 24 hours. On the other hand, when conducting an interview, Dora can also negotiate salary with the job seeker in the name of the company interested in the candidate.
For the moment, Dora speaks English, Dutch and Romanian, and soon it would be possible to speak with Dora in German. Once the interview is done, it usually takes 5-6 days for the employer to approve or reject the eligible candidate.
So far, according to the company’s data, Dora carried out over 277,000 interviews and generated revenues of 260,000 euros.
According to the Romanian website Dora is mostly speaking with the job seekers after 7 pm or during the weekend. There are also those who are available for an interview with Dora during the working hours throughout the week, but that number is less than 28 percent.
Founded in 1995 Belgian House of HR continuously redefines the world of human resources management according to the needs and opportunities that arise across geographic and disciplinary boundaries. House of HR offers a wide range of HR solutions, with business units in temping recruitment with an absolute focus on a temp to perm, outsourcing of qualified engineers, international temporary staffing, payrolling, secondment of technical profiles, professional staffing and training and HR consultancy.
House of HR manages 9 operational companies and 29 brands related to recruitment, temp work and consulting. It has over 500 offices in over 10 countries and had a consolidated turnover of 1.8 billion euros in 2018.
According to company’s info House of HR is working on the creation of a 2 billion euros company by 2020 with the aim and determination of making an impact on the future of work and HR services, combining the convenience and speed of technology with the warmth and talent of human contribution.