About SuperFounders

As the SEE region integrates with the EU and increases ties within, receives economic support and achieves stabilization, the pent up innovation and human development potential of South-East Europe is increasingly starting to unleash.

What was Central and Eastern Europe ten years ago as a booming and investment opportunity, we have now in South-East Europe. Since 2011, Balkan Unlimited Foundation has been working cross-border on reinforcing and building upon these positive trends. This is theĀ Emerging South-Eastern Europe, that is raising in prominence as an attractive investment and business hub.

The results of this are the circuit of Balkan Venture Forum events, a number of regional and European startup coaching programs and most importantly boosting an effective regional community of innovative entrepreneurs. This community and the remarkable entrepreneurs that drive it, are the way forward towards economic and human development for the SEE region.

Still the region largely lacks effective entrepreneurship support to satisfy the demand, mainly due to lack of know-how and access to finance. A number of hubs are struggling to fill this void, but face great difficulties due to regional competition and lack of resources. By jointly developing thriving interconnected local communities, we can truly accelerate the development of entrepreneurs and successful startups, on par with more advanced eco-systems.

Thus the logical next stage of supporting the regional community, means to support the local communities it consists of, with concrete and thorough local programs. SuperFounders is on a mission to fulfill this need.


If you are interested to get involved as a local beneficiary partner, an investor or another capacity, please contact us at info@balkanunlimited.org

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