The MIT Enterprise Forum Greece organized for the 7th consecutive year, « MITEF Greece Startup Competition 2021, a competition aimed at dynamic development, quality improvement, and international interconnection of Greek startups and business groups, innovators in the field of Technology.
In our country, the competition has now been established as one of the leading programs for the acceleration of Young Entrepreneurship and aims to highlight and award talented and ambitious teams and promote them internationally, through the network of the MIT Enterprise Forum.
Participants will have the opportunity to acquire the necessary know-how through the development of their business skills workshops, but also to receive practical mentoring from professionals of international recognition and prestige, both in Greece and abroad. At the same time, they will explore the possibilities of new collaborations which will contribute positively to their development course in the international market. The winners will win prizes and support services, which will decisively enhance the further development of their company.
The competition for young entrepreneurship and innovation will include this year the 3 thematic sections: “General”, “Energy” and “Maritime”.
The company Greek Petroleum, for the third consecutive year, is the exclusive sponsor of the theme «Energy Track», within the framework of actions implemented by HEP Group on strengthening innovation and the incorporation of new technologies in the energy sector.
It is noted that this year’s competition “MITEF Greece Startup Competition 2021” will be held online. The application platform opened today, November 9 and will remain available until Sunday, December 27, 2020, for those interested to submit their application electronically, at the following links:
General Track
Energy Track
Maritime Track