Advancing AI accelerator: 7 selected Romanian startups

Techcelerator and Google for Startups have selected seven startups from the 41 registered for the Advancing AI acceleration program dedicated to this market segment. It aims to support entrepreneurs who develop products based on AI (artificial intelligence) and the development of this ecosystem at the local level.

Advancing AI provides startups access to premium resources provided by Google, Central and Eastern European institutions to validate services and business development, and benefits and tools dedicated to hi-tech industry startups provided by Techcelerator partners, to a network of investors for financing, to mentors and know-how oriented to the current needs of the teams and to the support offered even after the completion of the acceleration program.

Selected startups use at least one of the technologies AI, ML (Machine Learning), Deep Learning, Big Data, Advanced Analytics. These are:

GoTeleport – electric car rental service developed based on its own algorithms that provide data on-demand, real-time location of vehicles, and their delivery to customers.

Medinav is a digital assistant for doctors that helps them spend more time with their patients, reducing administrative work. He listens to the doctor’s verbal recommendations, understands them, automatically fills in the forms in the electronic file and offers clinical assistance through various alerts. is a virtual assistant for effective meetings, who takes notes, sends the agenda of the meeting and ensures that the progress of the actions resulting from it is tracked efficiently.

MOCAPP – a SaaS application used by marcom professionals to automate and optimize processes in an influencer campaign. Companies and agencies use it to streamline marketing campaigns and cut costs by 45% to 70%. – API as a Service platform that offers artificial intelligence solutions to solve current problems of companies without them developing their own AI solutions.

RepsMate uses technologies such as artificial intelligence and data analytics to understand customer behavior and needs and transforms customer representatives, who interact with customers, into top performers.

Siscale develops a platform based on artificial intelligence algorithms designed to solve the problems of companies regardless of the industry by consolidating several data scattered in a single compact set that can be used for event observability, reducing “noise” caused by alerts, correlation events and automatic analysis of the causes of problems.

You can read more about the impact of AI on the Romanian economy in this exclusive analysis

“Initially, we decided to choose five teams for the program, but we were impressed by the quality of the projects submitted, so we chose to support seven, in which we see the potential to boost the local AI sector. As shown in European sources, such as the report << A European Approach to Artificial Intelligence >> issued in September by EIT Digital, with which we collaborate, the most commonly adopted AI applications include predictive maintenance, chatbots, recognition voice/text, natural language processing, computerized images and predictive analysis. And in the Advancing AI program, you can find almost all these solutions. We bet that, although the demand for AI solutions is still limited, certain sectors of the economy will move from the phase of experiencing the benefits of AI or minimal use to large-scale adoption, Cristian Dascălu, GapMinder VC partner and Co-founder of Techcelerator.

Startups will benefit from two months of mentoring sessions structured on three modules: “AI Design Thinking, an approach focused on user needs for AI product development”, “Product Management and Marketing for AI products” and “Preparing to attract investors “. The program will end in December 2020 with a public online Demo Day event.

In addition, depending on the progress made during the acceleration period, they could access potential investments of up to € 200,000 from GapMinder VC, as well as access to co-investment offers from the SeedBlink crowdfunding platform and communities. of business angels, such as TechAngels.

What fields will be revolutionized by artificial intelligence in Romania? Discover them in the article in the “Discover AI” series.

All companies included in the Advancing AI program will receive benefits from Techcelerator partners worth over 150,000 euros: free Google Cloud access, Stripe loans, HubSpot accounts for startups, Freshworks software and more.