Digital Innovation Call: Up to € 200,000 in funding for sustainable development

Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws) has launched a new funding program that promotes “sustainable development within the frame of reference of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with the help of digital product, process and service innovations” with up to 200,000 euros. The SDGs are the goals that Austria has committed itself, together with all member states of the UN, to implement the 2030 Agenda (see below).

“Risks to be overcome”
Financeable projects in the Digital Innovation Call (DI2) are now those that address innovative digital projects and the United Nations sustainability goals . The funding can be applied for already founded, small businesses, which are younger than five years. They can get between at least 100,000 and a maximum of 200,000 euros – at least 10 percent of the eligible costs must be borne by the sponsor himself.

In order to qualify for funding, according to aws, there must be “existing and overcoming technological, organizational or economic risks”, there must be a “high chance of implementation”, the commercialization opportunity must be plausible, and the project must be positive Have effect on one or more of the 17 SDGs. You can submit until the 30th of August.

The 17 SDGs
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are the United Nations (UN) policy objectives that came into force on January 1, 2016, and read as follows:

1.Stop poverty
2.Secure nutrition
3.Healthy life for everyone
4.Education for all
5. gender equality
Water and sanitation for all
Sustainable and modern energy for all
Sustainable economic growth and decent work for all
Resilient infrastructure and sustainable industrialization
Reduce inequality
Sustainable cities and settlements
Sustainable consumption and production methods
Emergency measures to combat climate change
Preservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and their resources
Protecting land ecosystems
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Strengthen implementation tools and global partnership