360 Lab accelerator gives you € 100,000 to scale internationally

If you have a startup that you want to conquer the global market and you need support to gain access to an international network, join the 360 ​​Lab acceleration program.

360 Lab acceleration program helps startups with growth capital and internationalization.

The accelerator runs in Graz, Austria, and offers startups a fast-growing program tailored to the needs of everyone, giving them the opportunity to become a global player in the short term.

The participants will receive 100,000 euros of capital and will be supported by experienced mentors and investors, thus having a solid support point for developing Europe and the US and for attracting venture capital.

In the first 4 months of the acceleration program, startups will be helped to adapt their products and services to market requirements and will find the most effective ways to sell. Subsequently, startups will have the opportunity to present their idea within a Demo Day.

The second half of the program will take place at 360 Lab in Silicon Valley, where 5 of the selected startups will be ready to enter the international market with the help of US VC investors and top coach.

Entries are open until May 5th.

The acceleration program addresses in particular marketplace, fintech, blockchain, AI, Saas and e-commerce technology startups. They must have a scalable business model at an international level, first funding and an MVP.