Retech Innovation Challenge Athens

Lamda Development announced a new innovation competition at the retail level, which will take place at The Mall Athens.

According to the announcement, the retail market is transforming, exploiting technology, becoming extrovert and adopting innovative tools to improve financial results and maximize shopping experience.

The ReTech Innovation Challenge aims to “build” a network of innovative ideas and solutions that will contribute to the transformation of the Retail market, will transform traditional malls in modern hubs of technology and innovation and enhance ecosystem startups entrepreneurship.

At the same time, it will attract new stakeholders and strengthen its relationships with shopkeepers and millions of visitors to its shopping centers.

Interested groups can submit their business proposals until December 3 in the site of ReTech Innovation Challenge

The contest focuses mainly on ideas and suggestions in areas such as :

– Retail,
– Food & Entertainment ,
– Mall Services (In-Store Enhancement for Customer, Tenants), and
– Software as a Service (Logistics, digital data, digitize physical stores, etc.).

Fields of activity include, among others, digital marketing, proximity marketing, e-commerce, advertising, marketplaces and augmented / virtual reality.

The participating teams will be evaluated by market representatives, investors, entrepreneurs and academics with significant experience and will have the opportunity to get in touch with real case studies of a large market such as Retail.

The finalists will be presenting their proposals at The Mall Athens in February in special booths, while winners will receive prize money of € 10,000 and mentoring and coaching services through programs such as the Founder Institute, an intensive, top-notch and internationally recognized program transforms creative and ambitious teams into successful businesses.