Startup camp is a 5-day program that provides extraordinary mentoring from successful entrepreneurs and investors from Croatia and USA. Startup camp brings teams from all over the world that want to improve or refine their business ideas and solutions through exercises, lectures and individual coaching.

Who can apply?Young entrepreneurs (ages 18 to 35) that have a developed business idea or a functional prototype.

Why should I apply?

If you want to learn how to bulletproof your idea.

If you want an experienced entrepreneur as a mentor.

If you think that you know everything and that you are prepared for entrepreneurship.

If you want to hear directly from investors what are they looking for and how to deliver it.

If you want valuable feedback and honest thoughts that will accelerate your project.

If you want to create new opportunities and are looking for an investment.

If you want to meet people that will become very important in your journey.

If you want to learn a ton and have a great time doing it!

When and where can l apply?

The applications are open from May 25th to June 25th, 2018. You can apply here.

What will I get?

· half-board accommodation for up to two members of the team
· lunch at the venue
· local bus tickets for getting to the venue
· a cool T-shirt

Will I get funded?

Many teams in the past received funding from participating investors and judges. However, nobody but you can answer that! Come and pitch your idea and see how far it will take you!

Who will evaluate my idea?

A panel of venture capitalists, business angels, businessmen will evaluate the projects and the best teams will win great prizes:

· 1st prize Apple iPad Pro
· 2nd prize Apple iPad mini 4
· 3rd prize Samsung Galaxy Tab A


STEP RI Science and Technology Park of the University of Rijeka Ltd 
Radmile Matejčić 10, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia

Jana Blažević Marčelja, mag. oec.
Startup Camp coordinator
+385 51 265 962

Suzana Knežević, MSc. log.
Startup Camp coordinator
+385 51 265 961