START program starups : € 40,000 to set up a business

The Young Entrepreneurs’ Employers in Romania, in partnership with South Muntenia Regional Development Agency, are implementing the START program for startups from January 3rd, 2018 to January 2, 2021! – South Muntenia Region.

Through this program, 336 individuals intending to establish a non-agricultural business in the urban area and residing or residing in the South Muntenia Development Region ( Argeş, Călăraşi, Dâmboviţa, Giurgiu, Ialomiţa, Prahova, Teleorman ) will be selected to take part in entrepreneurial training courses and will enter the race to receive a grant of 40,000 euros (the equivalent of 178,340 lei, calculated at the euro rate used to submit the project).

In addition, after the business opens, you will have a program to monitor it.

According to employers’ representatives, 42 business plans will be selected for non-reimbursable financing.

START registration criteria for your business

  • Being unemployed, inactive (non-taxable, household, student, student, pensioner), employee or self-employed person.
  • Be aged between 18 and 64 and have their domicile/residence in the South Muntenia region.

The steps you need to follow to sign up for the program

  1. Go to this link and fill out enclosed documents.
  2. Submit the application file to the e-mail address of your county office (contact details can be found at the county offices link ).
  3. After checking the documents by the target group expert and establishing their compliance, submit the application file to the address of the recruitment county office you belong to.

How will the project help you open a business?

  • You will benefit from counseling, consulting, mentoring for the consolidation and implementation of the business plan;
  • You will participate in internships in real enterprises;
  • You will attend an entrepreneurial course free of charge;
  • You will acquire practical skills in the field in which you start your new business;
  • You will be supported for the purpose of setting up a business.

For more information on this project, please contact Andreea Melinte – Information Activity Coordinator at .

Selection Methodology by Oana Cosman on Scribd
