ReUse Hub will invest 50,000 euros to startups – Romania

The program that offers 50,000 euros for business ideas.
ReUse Hub is an accelerator looking for innovative, prototype or prototype solutions in the recycling industry to turn it into a successful startup.
50,000 euros for business ideas that promote recycling
Did you know that a Romanian throws an average of 1kg of money into the garbage per day? Waste can be turned into business opportunities, so if you have a business idea to contribute to better recycling in Romania, this program is for you.

Impact Hub Bucharest and PepsiCo launch ReUse Hub, the program that prepares the world for the future.

The first stage involves a competition where all those who believe that their idea can be successful will be invited online, with 12 potential solutions selected. Entrepreneurs who have developed them will participate in a three-month accelerator, where they will then pitch a pitch to a jury. Finally, the winner will receive € 50,000 in funding and advice from the organizers to reach an MVP and first-time customers.

More information can be found at