Superfounders Weekly Wrappup #27: Stillfront acquires eRepublik for 7.5 million, CouchCoach is the winner at

The Bucharest eRepublic team/ featured photo credit: eRepublic Labs website

Another SuperFounders Weekly Newsletter that helps you catch up with the most significant startup news from South East Europe

Stillfront acquires Romanian gaming company eRepublik Labs for €7.5 million
Romanian Fish Pointer among the nine finalists at Blastoff competition
Startup founded by Romanians received a grant worth €30,000
Serbian startup CouchCoach is the winner at,
next stage is  San Francisco
New Romanian startups are part of Cohort accelerator Spherik 2017

Croatian tourist app Gemly between the winners at Hackaton.mea in Montenegro

Greek startup Ingredio selected for the MassChallenge Acceleration program

Over 1900 startups applied for the Impact Growth Accelerator program

The 10 finalist of Greek entrepreneur award 2017 are competing for funding of €1.250.000