Newborn Romanian Startup Association Unites Local Startup Communities

Romanian Startup Association is the first unified national representation of the local startup communities in the country. What started as an informal conversation among several startup community builders in Brasov this February, eventually resulted in a firm foundation for a nationwide startup alliance called the Romanian Startup Association.

The discussion for an association of this type has been initiated by the active shapers of the local startup ecosystem in Romania, such as founders and managers of coworking spaces, hubs, incubators and accelerators, non-profit associations, startup event organizers.

The association was officially launched last week by a group of 19 representatives of the startup ecosystem in Romania, including: Hub Onezero – Brasov, Startup Hub Timisoara, 150sec – Cluj, Cluj Hub, Startup Weekend Iasii, Innowork – Tg. Mures, Timisoara Startups, Startup Weekend TimisoaraTech Hub OradeaMures Startups – Tg. Mures, Makers ClujThe Grape – Iasi, Cowork Cluj, Startup Weekend Bucharest, Young Leaders Club – Bucharest, Connect Hub – Bucharest, PR in tech – Timisoara, Aries Transylvania – Cluj.

Romanian Startup Association: Goals and Activities

The Startup Association of Romania is a platform that intends to support an accelerated development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Romania by influencing the creation of fast-growing startups with high added value. Open exchange, open participation, rapid prototyping, and meritocracy are the basic open-source principles on which the Association is founded. It aims to function as a transparent body within the Romanian startup ecosystem.

Members of the Association will engage in a variety of activities that will contribute towards the realization of their main goal. Activities will range from producing study and research materials, organizing events, conferences and training activities, to knowledge and technology transfer via public institutions, as well as promotion of funding and partnership opportunities both within and outside the borders of Romania.

Official statement by Radu Ticiu, exclusively for Superfounders


Superfounders had a short interview with Radu Ticiu, one of the co-founders of the Romanian Startup Association, also co-founder & CEO of Timisoara Startup Hub, regarding the recent launch of the Romanian Startup Association. Mr. Ticiu has answered some of our questions concerning the idea and the impact of the newly created association. The short interview follows below.

Superfounders: When and how did you acknowledge the need for establishing this type of association?

Radu Ticiu: During the several last years, the intensity and diversity of hi-tech startup support activity increased significantly in various Romanian cities, adding to the already established Bucharest-based initiatives. Earlier this year, in February, during an informal gathering of Romanian coworking spaces representatives, the analysis of the overall condition of country’s startup support conducted to the conclusion that there is a significant need for deeper co-operation between the organizations facilitating local tech entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Superfounders: What is the role of the Romanian Startup Association in the economic development of the country?

Radu Ticiu: The association intends to play an active role in Romania’s economic development by enhancing the effectiveness of the member local support organization in creation and (at least) initial development of new innovative enterprises with high and rapid growth potential, mainly those based on the extended use of technology.

Superfounders: What are the benefits to the stakeholders in the startup community?

Radu Ticiu: We are envisaging that joining the association, the organizations currently involved in local startup support activities will benefit from increased synergy effects, from an open flow of information, knowledge and opportunities, from the increased joint capacity to develop national projects and initiatives, to attract funds and to participate to societal dialogue and policy making. For sure this will result in higher entrepreneurship attractiveness for younger or more senior professionals currently studying or involved in freelance or outsourcing activities, in a more diverse and relevant set of support services for startups.

Superfounders: Do you see the birth of a Balkan Startup Association anytime soon?

Radu Ticiu: I wouldn’t totally rule out such an evolution, practising myself frequent joint tech-entrepreneurship activities with peers in ex-YU or CEE countries. In my opinion, a regional federation of national associations structuring approach should also be explored. It could be a better performing form, in terms of agility and relevance.

Updated: August 16, 2016