Apart from ride sharing, starting from this week people in Zagreb could also enjoy car sharing as well. Spin City App is the name of the first car sharing application available in Croatia that provides users with cars for short rides. Developed by Urban Mobility, this service offers 30 cars across the city available for short ride distances upon installation of the mobile application.

The car sharing service can be used by everyone who has a driver’s license and a smartphone. Spin City App allows you to register with your valid driver’s license and find the closest car available using your smartphone. Users can locate the car, use it for as long as needed, and park it once they’ve reached their final destination.
How does the Spin City App work?
As we find out from test drivers at Telegram.Hr, the process begins by completing an online registration and paying the 150 kuna registration fee. By doing so, you receive 50 minutes of free rides available on your account to use within the first month. You also receive a membership card that is to be picked up at VipNet. When the registration process is completed, you can opt in for the ride package you find most suitable for you. Packages range between 60, 120 and 240 minutes of ride per month, with the last one being the most economic one. The selection of packages is not required, and you can also decide not to pick any of them and continue with the basic price of 2.62 kuna per minute.
Video credit: Spin City
Spin City cars can be located on parking slots within the Spin City Zone. Used cars are also to be parked in this zone. As the Director of Urban Mobility, Matija Krznar explains for Telegram.hr, ” You will be able to use one of our 30 cars, 10 electric ones and 20 Volkswagen Up!s within the Spin City Zone, drive them for as long as you need them and leave them parked anywhere within the zone. The Spin City zone encompasses the wider Zagreb city center. Ilica will be the upper limit, including Rudes and a part of Jarun while the south part includes a part of Trnje, Dubrovnik Avenue, Kajzerica, zagrebacki Velesajam all the way to Dugave and Slobostina while the east city limits are all the way to the Borongaj turnpike to Radnicka cesta towards the south”.