Oficina Accelerator Welcomes Albanian Startups

Albanian Oficina accelerator has just announced the open call for their new acceleration program. It is aimed at supporting young entrepreneurs in developing technology and building practical businesses for both the local and global market.

Brought together as an outcome of the collaboration between the Open Society Foundation for Albania and Harry T. Fultz Institute, Oficina accelerator is envisioned to be a key strategic initiative for transitioning Albania to a country whose main driving force will be the knowledge-based economy. The mission of this project is to invest in the creation of a new technology industry and create a regional center that will promote competition and cooperation among innovative companies.

The program has an entrepreneurial approach and its structure includes professional mentoring, business coaching, and opportunities for networking and personal meeting with potential investors. Available face-to-face and online training is related to business, marketing, ICT, design, commercial laws and taxation, management, HR and team dynamics, as well as other relevant disciplines. Applicants may be individuals or already established teams. Information technology is the preferred orientation field, however, other innovative ideas are also welcomed and encouraged.

The application process for the startup acceleration program started on 17.05.2016 and will be open until 25.06.2016. A total number of 15 applicants will continue to the second stage of selection where they will be invited to present their idea before an expert panel. Winners from this stage will be awarded with the right to take part in the Oficina acceleration. There are no enrollment fees.