Will Abracadabra be the Croatian Amazon?

Abracadabra is an e-commerce platform set up by Agrokor, the largest privately owned company in Croatia and one of the leading companies in the region. Avenue de CRO is the name of the online marketplace recently introduced as a feature at Abracadabra where people can now buy products made by Croatian designers. Following an increase in the number of users and new offers, it seems like Abracadabra is making room for future collaborations with startups, academic community, and partners, as reported by Poslovni.hr.

Image credit: total-croatia-news

The company has already optimized the mobile payment by using the PhotoPay solution developed by Damir Sabol. It also tackled the delivery process by enabling buyers to pick up small packages from Tisak newsstands and automated machines. This signals the innovative shift of Abracadabra, changing its focus towards more simplified solutions that will bring more benefits to the customers and the society.

This strategy shift gives way for innovative companies, including fintech startups such as MicroBLINK, Abito, Trilix and PhotoPay, to make partnerships with Abracadabra and secure their presence. Collaboration with Uber or Locodels for order deliveries is also plausible. Making such investment would welcome high tech solutions in retail not only in Croatia, but also in the region. Agrokor already counts about 5 million consumers in the region. It is a matter of time to see if its online platform could reach that same number.