Romanian VC Funds Invest in Marketizator and SymphoPay

Two Romanian VC funds, Digital Catalyst Fund and GECAD Group, have just announced upcoming investments in local startups Marketizator and SymphoPay, respectively. The total amount of the funding is around EUR 1.5 million; 1 million of which go to Marketizator and 550,000 to SymphoPay. Both investments were announced on April 5.

Marketizator is a SaaS platform that offers a solution for marketing and advertising purposes based on data analysis through CRO (conversion rate optimization). Founded in 2011 by Valentin Radu, this startup specializes in developing marketing tools that will generate more sales. Available CRO features include surveys, A/B testing, segmentation, and personalization.


Image credit: seenews

According to Radu, this investment by Digital Catalyst Fund will help in further developing the IT platform, while a portion of the financial assets will also be used for international promotion of the company, reports Ziarul Financiar. Digital Catalyst is known as one of the most important Romanian VC funds financed through the JEREMIE initiative of EU funds. Investment in Marketizator is another link in the chain of TMT (Technology – Media – Telecom) investments of the Digital Catalyst Fund, as reported by

SymphoPay, on the other hand, is a fintech startup allowing merchants and banks to centralize in a single platform offering card payments through smart POS. The company, founded in 2015 by Daniel Nicolescu, helps retailers collect and analyze customer data as well as launch effective marketing campaigns. “By investing in SymphoPay we intend to initiate a change in both financial services and traditional retail,” announced Radu Georgescu, founder of GECAD. According to the investor, SymphoPay will see its commercial launch within several months.