Challenge Up with Cisco, Deutche Telekom & Intel – Only 1 day left to apply!

March 22, 2016 is the last day to apply for the awesome Challenge Up! – Internet of Things Accelerator program organized by hub:raum in partnership with Cisco, Deutche Telekom and Intel. The main focus of the program is to create the right climate for startups to develop, grow and scale with the support of the 3 corporate giants.

Selected participants to join the program will enjoy united corporate resources and experiences, access to global customers, mentoring by business and technology experts to accelerate product development, a unique chance for high-value networking with top investors and executives, and just the right assets to leave an imprint on the global startup ecosystem. Main areas to be covered include IoT, IoE, Information Security, Big Data, Analytics, Connectivity and Cloud Computing. Apart from the support they can get from the Intel, Cisco, Deutsche Telekom, startups can also count on smart money gain, access to innovation, expert networks all around the globe as well as technology and business know-how.


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After the application process (January 4 – March 22, 2016), selected startups will attend the Selection days in Krakow (May 10 – 12, 2016) where they will pitch and have mentoring sessions. The brightest 12 startups will then be invited to take part of the acceleration program happening from May through December 2o16. During the 7-month-long program, there will be 4 acceleration meetings in different cities across Europe. Startups will participate in co-selling, co-developing, and co-innovating with Intel, Cisco and Deutsche Telekom. The ChallengeUp! Summit will be the last stop on this incredible journey, when all startups will pitch their joint success storiesto corporate executives, clients and investors.

Challenge your startup dreams and apply for the best acceleration program supported by Cisco, Deutche Telekom and Intel!

Video credit: Challenge Up!