Final Agenda – SuperFounders Open Day

Final Agenda SFOP (1)

The overall program of SuperFounders Open Day will be around startups and the innovation industry in general, focusing on startup and team culture. The event will be opened by the founder of SuperFounders Aleksandar Tasev, who will give a short intro into the great value of startups and their impact on the growth and development of our society. Peter Hopwood will make sure to animate the audience with his vibrant masterclass on pitching and public communication, whereas the rest of our guests – including Radmil Polenakovikj, Suresh Patel and Petrus Theunisz – will tackle on important topics such as employment and self-employment, hiring the right people in a startup company, and team leadership. The participating startup companies will present the startup career opportunities they currently offer through a short speech on the main stage and they will be available for personal conversations with interested candidates at their stand all day long. We will conclude the event by sharing in-depth information about the SuperFounders Start accelerator program, broadening your horizons on how you can work on your business idea and found your own startup.

This is what our final agenda for the upcoming SuperFounders Open Day looks like:

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