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April 7, 2017

The smart city (Smart City) concept is a comprehensive and sustainable city in which the quality of human life, but also the relationship to the natural environment to be at a significantly higher level. Citizens with their creativity, knowledge and skills, together with networked urban infrastructure and services directed towards the user, are the main advantages of modern cities in the context of achieving economic growth and better quality of life. Mainly based on the use of smart grid (smart grid), the stronger the introduction of ICT, Internet connections of all objects (Internet of Things – IoT) application communication M2M (machine to machine), reducing environmental pollution, the introduction of intelligent transport systems, as well as increasing energy the effectiveness of the application of smart metering and the introduction of innovative solutions in the construction industry. Cities and urban infrastructure are extremely complex systems on a daily basis and must effectively respond to many needs. Solutions for smart cities take into account different requirements, constraints and challenges that some cities are facing. How to detect and overcome will tell us that they have succeeded.