SparkME 2016 Takes dryTools to TechCrunch Disrupt

dryTools are the winners of the startup competition organized by the SparkME 2016 Conference that took place on May 28-29 in Budva, Montenegro. Having entered the final list of 10 best startups in the fourth edition of the conference, dryTools succeeded in presenting the best value to the jury and thus securing the first prize. As a winner of the competition, the dryTools team will be able to exhibit their startup in the Startup Alley at TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco 2016, on September 12-14. SparkME 2016 covers the return ticket to San Francisco, accommodation for three days, and a ticket to Techcrunch Disrupt for two people.


Image vredit: dryTools Facebook page

This annual startup competition is part of the SparkME tradition to bring together successful startups from all over Europe and challenge the power of their ideas, their potential to grow and the team diversity. The main pre-conditions for participation have been the founding date (startups founded after September 20, 2014) and the amount of funding previously received (no more than $2.5 million). The other 9 startups that have entered the finals were: Bee and Me (Montenegro), Craftinity (Poland), Emily (Croatia), Get Hired With Me (Montenegro), HUM app (Kosovo), Kidster (Montenegro/Serbia), (Croatia), Smart Lumies (Croatia), and Yorefy (Slovenia). They had free access to advisers, mentors, and workshops, and have also enjoyed networking with investors, industry experts and serial entrepreneurs.

dryTools is already familiar to the SuperFounders Live readers as the Novi Sad-based startup company in which SC Ventures invested their first 300.000 euro. The company was co-founded by Marko Gaćeša, Duško Vesin and Nikola Milinković, the team who developed a smart software that delivers high-quality results and speeds up the coding process up to 4 times.