Apply at Space3ac accelerator at Gdansk and raise up to 45 000 € for equity

For startups and teams looking for funding and customers

Continuing application to the accelerator Space3ac in Poland aimed at startups and teams from other countries. You can apply with your projects until the end of May.

To participate in the accelerator it is not necessary to have a registered company or have a finished product. Even if you have no idea, but there is a good team capable of making a high-quality product, you can choose one of the problems described on the web page, suggest its solution, and then make the first prototype on the accelerator.

Each selected startup will receive up to 45,000 euros in the form of a grant, 12.5 thousand euros in the form of services, a place in coworking and assistance with relocation and registering a company in Poland. The acceleration will take place in Gdansk, will last 3 months and will include workshops and classes with business mentors, technical experts and investors. Demo Day will be in December.

It will be great if your projects solve the problems of our partners who actually become your first client in Poland. The description of these calls is already on the web page and their numbers will increase soon. You can also submit projects that do not meet the described challenges, but may be useful or interesting to our partners.

Apply here

Space3ac accelerator