SF Weekly Wrapup #15: Croatian fintech company Oradian partners with the world leading impact investing advisers Finance in motion, Farmeron has a new agri businness inteligence platform

Another Friday, another SuperFounders Newsletter that helps you catch up with the most significant startup news from South East Europe.

Croatian fintech company Oradian partners with the world leading impact
investing advisers Finance in motion

08.12, Superfounders

Reducing the risk in startup investing says Paulo Andrez in Zagreb
5.12, netokracija.com [CRO]

Farmeron has a new agri businness inteligence platform

From meetups to conferences: How Hub385 has organized 300 events in six month
24.12, netokracija[CRO]

EBAN Winter University Zagreb 2016
05.12, digjitale.com 

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