Cyber security startup TypingDNA recives seed funding and angel investment

TypingDNA, the cyber security startup from Romania, has recived seed funding from Gecad Ventures and investment from several business angel investors.

The startup founded in March of this year by Raul Popa, Cristian Tomas, and Adrian Gheara is an authentication API able to accurately compare and match any two typing patterns, differentiating an intruder’s typing pattern with the ones of the real owner.

TypingDNA already participated in 2 accelerators Hub:raum (Deutsche Telekom) and Microsoft Accelerators Bootcamp, and the funds that have acquired will be used for talent acquisition, product development, and increased marketing efforts.

The angel investors who have joined this financing round are well-known security experts directors in several IT companies like Adrian Gheara, Alex Negrea, Lucian Todea and Dan Mihaescu.

Keystroke dynamics, also known as typing biometrics is a type of new technology that secures devices and web applications, corporate and consumer apps in order to reduce frauds and enhance security. According to Raul Popa, the co-founder, and CEO of TypingDNA, the biometric authentication market is expected to reach 11 billion dollars growth by 2024.

angel investorsfundingseed investmenttypingDNA
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