Another Friday, another SuperFounders Newsletter that helps you catch up with the most significant startup news from South East Europe.
Thank you for stopping by and have a nice weekend!
Romania Start-Up: €105 Million to Stimulate Entrepreneurship
12.07, SuperFounders
Startup Yard on a trip to the Balkans, 11.07, Digjitale
Greek CityCrop Enters Startupbootcamp in London, 11.07, SuperFounders
Thorium A+ & Hydrokinetic turbines head to Warsaw to win million kuna, 11.07, PoslovniDnevnik [CRO]
IBM to Open a Cognitive Computing Center in Romania, 08.07, SuperFounders
E-Commerce Startup Qrator Receives $810,000 in Funding, 13.07, SuperFounders
“Taxi with a button”: The new Taxibeat service i Athens, 13.07, EMEA [GR]
Croatian Gaming Industry Growing Constantly, 14.07, TotalCroatiaNews
Slovenian startup aims to increase the safety of motorcyclists, 12.07, MladiPodjetnik [SLO]
Croatian Vitamin Check Device Vitastiq 2 Successfully Backed on Indiegogo, 15.07, SuperFounders
Romanian gadget producer launches range of drones, 14.07, Romania-Insider