SuperFounders Weekly #6: Bulgaria allows only open source, CarGo faces charges for using PayPal, SCV Invests 1 Million € In Agrivi

Welcome to the latest edition of the SuperFounders Newsletter!
These are the top headlines from this week’s SEE Startup world.
Enjoy your read and have a nice weekend!

Bulgaria now allows only open source for governance
05.07, TheNextWeb

South Central Ventures Invests 1 Million € In Agrivi
04.07, SC Venture

Croatian ICT high growth rates continue
07.07, ICT Business [CRO]  

Serbian CarGo faces charges for using PayPal
06.07, Startit

 Croatian team wins second place on Austrian “What the Hack!”
05.07, Netokracija [CRO]

 Startit is the first partner of Stripe Atlas in Serbia
04.07, Startit [SR]

 mStart invested 100,000 HRK in SnapTap and Budgeteer
04.07, Netokracija [CRO]

 Next week’s Upcoming Events 

OpenStack Bucharest Meetup, 6th OpenStack Birthday Celebration
Startup Summer Party Garazh – Tirana